One of the newest enterprise mobility trends in the United States is called BYOD. BYOD stands for “Bring Your Own Device.” Under this scheme, employees use their own personal mobile devices at work. By 2015, some estimates predict that as many as 55% of smart phones used in businesses will be employee owned. Part of the attraction of BYOD is that businesses save themselves from having to purchase employees’ mobile devices. On the other hand, employees like BYOD because it allows them to select their own mobile devices, rather than being forced to work with a device their company selects.
Though companies have been quick to realize the advantages of mobile devices as they relate to their business, many still do not realize how to take advantage of all that they can offer. Still other problems are posed by trying to streamline enterprise mobile applications across multiple platforms. Enterprise mobility platform solutions are applications designed to optimize mobile devices for business.
Some enterprise mobility platform applications, like ActiveSync, allow employees to access their business email from a variety of mobile devices. This lets companies stay in better communication with their employees and can increase a business’s efficiency. Other enterprise mobility platform applications help in the authentication and registration of either employee owned devices or enterprise devices. This can streamline work across a variety of mobile platforms.
Support for mobile devices can also be rendered using enterprise mobile software. These programs can identify and resolve device issues in real time. They can even be used to locate lost or stolen devices and wipe company data in the event of a device loss. Today, it is easier than ever for businesses to take advantage of mobile devices.
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