The best motor oil for your car is going to depend on the type of car that you drive and what you use your car for. Before you buy motor oil, one of the best ways to find out which type will help your car to run the best that it can is to check for recommendations in the owners manual of your car. Here are a few more facts that you should know before you buy motor oil.
1. One of the best features of motor oil is that it does not wear out. Instead, it just gets dirty and can be recycled to help save a valuable and dwindling resource.
2. It takes an astounding 42 gallons of crude oil to produce just 2.5 quarts of new, high quality lubricating oil. One of the benefits of the makeup of best motor oils is that recycling just one gallon of used oil produces one gallon of reusable oil. This helps to ensure that the cars of the future will still have the vital lubrication that they need to run smoothly.
3. Each and every internal combustion engine uses motor oil. You might not know this, but this does not only include cars, trucks, and buses. Motorcycles, go karts, snowmobiles, boats, tractors, construction equipment, aircraft, and even generators require motor oil to ensure that their engines are preforming at top capacity.
4. One of the more confusing aspects of oil manufacturing for someone new to buying oil is the grading system that The Society of Automotive Engineers, or SAE, has established. This is a numerical grading system for the classification of motor oils according to their viscosity characteristics. Different viscosity works best for different engines so it is important to know which grade is best for you care before you buy motor oil.
5. Before the adaptation of the modern plastic motor oil bottle, which first came on the scene in the 1980s, motor oil came packaged in a variety of different forms. These included glass bottles, metal cans, and cardboard cans. One of the benefits of using plastic bottles is that they are recyclable just like the oil that they contain. Reference links.
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15 responses to “Top Five Facts That You Should Know Before You Buy Motor Oil”
i didnt know that you could recycle oil. thats really cool though i do thin that we should probably be finding some other way tonot only lubricate cars but to also run them. these are limited resources we are completely using up
i agree. i dont really know what the solution is, but i think that we need to be working harder to find one. i think that it is very irresponsible for all of us to just live our cushy lives with no regard to the future of the planet
i agree. i dont really know what the solution is, but i think that we need to be working harder to find one. i think that it is very irresponsible for all of us to just live our cushy lives with no regard to the future of the planet
i agree. i dont really know what the solution is, but i think that we need to be working harder to find one. i think that it is very irresponsible for all of us to just live our cushy lives with no regard to the future of the planet
i agree. i dont really know what the solution is, but i think that we need to be working harder to find one. i think that it is very irresponsible for all of us to just live our cushy lives with no regard to the future of the planet
i agree. i dont really know what the solution is, but i think that we need to be working harder to find one. i think that it is very irresponsible for all of us to just live our cushy lives with no regard to the future of the planet
i agree. i dont really know what the solution is, but i think that we need to be working harder to find one. i think that it is very irresponsible for all of us to just live our cushy lives with no regard to the future of the planet
i agree. i dont really know what the solution is, but i think that we need to be working harder to find one. i think that it is very irresponsible for all of us to just live our cushy lives with no regard to the future of the planet
i agree. i dont really know what the solution is, but i think that we need to be working harder to find one. i think that it is very irresponsible for all of us to just live our cushy lives with no regard to the future of the planet
i agree. i dont really know what the solution is, but i think that we need to be working harder to find one. i think that it is very irresponsible for all of us to just live our cushy lives with no regard to the future of the planet
i agree. i dont really know what the solution is, but i think that we need to be working harder to find one. i think that it is very irresponsible for all of us to just live our cushy lives with no regard to the future of the planet
i agree. i dont really know what the solution is, but i think that we need to be working harder to find one. i think that it is very irresponsible for all of us to just live our cushy lives with no regard to the future of the planet
i agree. i dont really know what the solution is, but i think that we need to be working harder to find one. i think that it is very irresponsible for all of us to just live our cushy lives with no regard to the future of the planet
i agree. i dont really know what the solution is, but i think that we need to be working harder to find one. i think that it is very irresponsible for all of us to just live our cushy lives with no regard to the future of the planet
i agree. i dont really know what the solution is, but i think that we need to be working harder to find one. i think that it is very irresponsible for all of us to just live our cushy lives with no regard to the future of the planet