There are several approaches you can take to making your website more user friendly, helpful, and functional. One such addition to your site is a web application. Web applications support cross platform compatibility, and allow users access over a network such as a company intranet, or the internet itself. If you are considering a web application development plan, first assess your resources, publishing capabilities and technical skills.
Another option for streamlining your website and making it more practical is utilizing web portal development and portal integration. Web portals can offer workflow management, work group collaboration, and publication of policy managed content. Portal integration can even allow for either internal or external access to specific information using single sign ons or secure authentication.
For clients coming to your website, a portal is a pathway. It can direct them to such things as product information, sales and services, company and organization blogs, or company news. And portals even offer a degree of customizability, allowing your clients to set up their portal just the way they want to see it and use it. This makes their experience with your site more personal, and therefore gives them more reason to return and utilize your services. All the while saving you time and money on a staff for customer service.
A truly effective portal should be secure and efficient. It should protect your database systems, while still granting your clients safety with their own information, yet the right amount of access to what they need. Portals can be used for global collaboration. They allow for people to connect, no matter where they are on the globe, so that they can communicate across a variety of platforms. For instance, the sales team in Europe can talk to the production team in the States, while sharing information and tools like brochures for products and spreadsheets.
Work can be shared outside of the company just as easily. The marketing department can work directly with outside vendors, sharing ideas. And the financial department can work with banks. The possibilities are endless when it comes to having a web portal or applications. To make your company and site stand out above the rest, consider implementing at least one today.
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16 responses to “The Next Step for Your Business Could Be Portals”
the thing with web portals and applications, is they can already be found all over the internet, we just never realize that we are using them. they are either stealthy or so well integrated.
the thing with web portals and applications, is they can already be found all over the internet, we just never realize that we are using them. they are either stealthy or so well integrated.
the thing with web portals and applications, is they can already be found all over the internet, we just never realize that we are using them. they are either stealthy or so well integrated.
the thing with web portals and applications, is they can already be found all over the internet, we just never realize that we are using them. they are either stealthy or so well integrated.
the thing with web portals and applications, is they can already be found all over the internet, we just never realize that we are using them. they are either stealthy or so well integrated.
the thing with web portals and applications, is they can already be found all over the internet, we just never realize that we are using them. they are either stealthy or so well integrated.
the thing with web portals and applications, is they can already be found all over the internet, we just never realize that we are using them. they are either stealthy or so well integrated.
the thing with web portals and applications, is they can already be found all over the internet, we just never realize that we are using them. they are either stealthy or so well integrated.
the thing with web portals and applications, is they can already be found all over the internet, we just never realize that we are using them. they are either stealthy or so well integrated.
the thing with web portals and applications, is they can already be found all over the internet, we just never realize that we are using them. they are either stealthy or so well integrated.
the thing with web portals and applications, is they can already be found all over the internet, we just never realize that we are using them. they are either stealthy or so well integrated.
the thing with web portals and applications, is they can already be found all over the internet, we just never realize that we are using them. they are either stealthy or so well integrated.
the thing with web portals and applications, is they can already be found all over the internet, we just never realize that we are using them. they are either stealthy or so well integrated.
the thing with web portals and applications, is they can already be found all over the internet, we just never realize that we are using them. they are either stealthy or so well integrated.
the thing with web portals and applications, is they can already be found all over the internet, we just never realize that we are using them. they are either stealthy or so well integrated.
the thing with web portals and applications, is they can already be found all over the internet, we just never realize that we are using them. they are either stealthy or so well integrated.