Steam powered cranes became popular during the Industrial Revolution, which took place during the latter half of the 19th century. In that time, crane safety training mainly consisted of what to do in the event of an emergency. Because the technology was new, and because safety and health regulations in the workplace were still in their infancy, the technology and its use had some growing pains. Accidents on the workplace were far more severe than they are today, but changes in the system have led to better working conditions overall. These days, crane safety training is of the utmost importance for a variety of reasons. The people in the cab need to be safe, as do the people on the ground. Every aspect of the crane, from its rigging to its hook, need to be properly inspected as a part of crane safety training on the job.
Chain slings, the best choice of sling for rugged and demanding conditions, are part of crane training as well. Knowing how to properly use, install, and dismount these slings is all part of the safe and productive operation of a crane. Steel mills and foundries are where chain slings are commonly used, conditions where a lack of proper crane safety training could lead to serious injuries and death. Fall protection training and heavy equipment training are all part of the education that one needs when entering the construction or industrial workplace. During the 1800s, a Frenchman by the name of Gull patented a type of chain known as the “Gull Chain.” It is still used today in hanging applications because it is both effective and safe. Safety training requires that you know more about the Gull Chain, and other types of chains and slings that are commonly used by cranes.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are nearly 40,000 crane operated which are employed in the United States today. All of those operators require crane safety training to satisfy OSHA regulations, along with other OSHA training that may be required. These training courses are for both the safety of the operator and the crew below. Components like wire rope, made from several strands of metal wire twisted into a helix shape, have their limitations and proper use. With construction safety training and rigging certification you can learn more about what it takes to stay safe on a work site.
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