Prior to the days when we could buy Canon digital cameras, the only way to achieve professional-looking photos was to buy Canon digital cameras with expensive telephoto lenses. But things have change significantly over the last decade or so. Today, anyone can take professional quality photos with cameras under $500. Not only that, but they can take as many as they want for free.
For those of us who were born before, say, 1985 or so, we remember the days when taking pictures required purchasing rolls of film for about seven bucks a pop. If that were not bad enough that was only enough film for about two dozen pictures. Then we had to take our rolls of film to a store and pay close to $10 to have them developed. When all was said and done, we ended up paying about $20 for 24 photos that we had to wait to get back. Furthermore, we could not edit them and had to pay extra to have them enlarged.
From this perspective the argument pitting the digital camera vs film camera is not even close. On the other hand, many professional photographers and photography enthusiasts feel that the cultural inundation of millions of digital photos every day has watered down the artistry of photography. Furthermore, the accessibility and affordability of professional-level digital SLR cameras has culminated in a lot of “quackery” throughout the photography industry.
Before digital cameras hit the market, there was a substantial divide between professional and amateur photography. While this is still true to some extent, there are a lot of hobbyists who have honed digital camera skills that are on par with professionals; and they have done it with little to no formal training. All it takes saving about $1,000 to buy Canon digital cameras, or similar brand SLRs, and going to local digital camera stores to pick them it. If budding photographers don’t have that much cash, they can even buy a digital camera online used and not spend more than $500.
Now there are thousands of untrained photographers are now advertising their “professional services” for far below what trained professionals ask. This has understandably irked many trained photographers who believe they are losing business to a bunch of charlatans who know nothing about composition or how to use an aperture correctly.
Despite the complaints made by some professional photographers, digital cameras have revolutionized photography at all levels. Amateurs can now have complete control over the entire process of taking, processing, editing, and sharing their photos, while professionals have more artistic tools than ever to enhance their compositions. The bottom line is its a win-win situation, and there is remains a large enough market in which the most skilled professional photographers can still thrive.
Find out more at this site: 42photo.com
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