You love the outdoors and so does your family. But if you have never been camping in Illinois, you might want to try a mini-camp experiment in your backyard to familiarize yourself and your children with what it’s like to sleep outdoors for a night. You could even cook over a campfire to make the experience seem real. Of course it does not take the place of family camping in the rugged outdoors of Illinois, but it gives your family a taste of what is to be expected.
Camping in Illinois is not all that different than camping in Indiana, or even New York depending on the time of year. Whenever you decide to embark on the adventure, there are some things to keep in mind. First it is important to find a park or a campground directory that can locate the nearest camp site. As you begin packing for your trip, research and share with your family all things to consider before you arrive at the camp site. One thing to keep in mind is that you are not the only family camping in Illinois, so be considerate of other campers in the area. You can also expect that same kind of respect from people who have been camping their entire lives — they know the drill.
Next, consider the natural environment around you and pack things that are eco-friendly like biodegradable soap since it prevents the contamination of water sources. Be open to the possibilities around you as camping provides ample space for exploration and according to the American Camp Association, you are 74% more likely to try something new while you are at a campground. In fact, some themed parks offer organized swimming, playgrounds, and fishing. Of course, where you go entirely depends on what your family is looking for.
Look into whether the campground you have chosen is an RV park. Many people take RV’s and stay for an extended period of time with their families. This also a possibility if you don’t want to brave nature and need a bit of luxury in the outdoors. RV campgrounds can be found whether you are camping in Texas or North Carolina.
Camping takes planning, effort and a great deal of bravery on the part of your entire family if you are doing it for the first time. Consider researching important things to take with you when you camp and asking friends about their first camping experience. Prepare yourself and your family for all the possibilities, but when it comes to nature, remember to expect the unexpected. More like this: www.campjellystone.com
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One response to “Don’t Get Lost Camping”
I tried the whole camping in your backyard and yeah, it was nothing compared to camping in the woods. There are weird noises out there, different kinds of bugs, and animals I would never see in my backyard.