An estimated 93% of all online experiences start with the use of a search engine. That means every second, there is someone searching for a product or service online. This is powerful information for any business to have in the right context, even though it might not seem like it. According to Pew Internet research, an estimated 58% of all people have researched a product or service online, those are some pretty large numbers for such a simple internet tool.
Content marketing is quickly becoming the new way to go in terms of search engine optimization. An SEO marketing consultant can help you weed your way through the bad advertising ideas, and find your way towards more website traffic, and ultimately more sales. Top SEO consultants help businesses gain a large amount of online visibility. This allows more internet surfers to see their company’s website, and browse and learn about their items.
Online visibility is incredibly important. An estimated 18% of all clicks on Google go to the first organic search engine result, an estimated 10% go to the second organic search result, and 7% go to the third natural search result. These may seem like small percentages, but in terms of Google’s numbers, that’s quite a lot of clicks.
Expert SEO consulting allows the creation of interesting content for businesses, that will guide internet readers towards purchasing their clients products. It seems like quite a complicated process, but in reality it is quite simple when you have the right SEO marketing consultant on your side.
If your sales numbers are slipping and you need some help getting yourself back on top, start searching for SEO marketing consultants today. Not only will they make your website more popular on the typical search engine, but it will also send a lot of online traffic and purchases your way. Start researching SEO today, and send your business in the direction of a brighter future. Continue.
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